TE2018 will take place in Modena (Italy) at Complesso San Geminiano, headquarters of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Department of Law:

Conference Venue

Complesso San Geminiano > how to reach?
Via San Geminiano, 3
41121 - Modena (Italy)

The Department of Law continues the long established tradition of the study of law in the city of Modena, a tradition that can be traced back to 1175, when Pillio da Medicina left Bologna and went on to teach law at Modena, thus officially inaugurating the Studium iuris Modena.
The Department of Law aims to incorporate the discipline within the context of vocational training, responding to the needs of an increasingly open and internationalised society. The Department is hosted in a building that has recently been renovated, thanks to which the premises have been equipped with the most up-to-date equipments.


Technical Visit

Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"
Via Pietro Vivarelli, 10
41125 - Modena (Italy)

Established twenty-five years ago, the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering was founded in the Academic Year 1990-91. Its main building, which covers more than 160,000 sqm, meets the highest teaching and research requirements. The Department regularly cooperates with renowned firms in the car manufacturing, chemical, mechanical, ceramics and biomedical fields, as well as enterprises in the sectors of information technology, telecommunications and industrial electronics. The Department has benefited from this productive network, and over the years it has improved and has further developed the high quality level of its research and technological application. Its graduates can easily find employment, thanks to the training opportunities offered (apprenticeships and work placements). These experiences offer students the chance of further developing the knowledge acquired during the academic program and of taking a closer look at the job market.